External issues (and updates on the project) (EDIT!)

Okay it may have been....a little bit since I posted anything about this, but as of current, I haven't been able to do a thing with the game. Upon upgrading to a much beefier laptop, I've been exploring some more of PC gaming, but I haven't forgotten about this. Issues arose when it seemed as if my external just doesn't at all like the new device and refuses to stay connected to it, instead connecting and disconnecting constantly and never staying connected long enough to transfer any of my data over. I'm working on solutions to the issue, but so far I have yet to really figure anything out >.>

Edit: I've managed to transfer the files over thanks to a usb stick I'd forgotten about which works perfectly, so there will eventually be work done finally, was worried there for a bit not gonna lie

Get Ether Dream


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Life is being as it always is, so it may still be awhile yet before anything changes, ugh